Solidarity has not only attracted considerable scholarly attention over the last decade or so. Even before Covid-19, it had become a popular term in many public debates, seemingly connecting to a broad range of topics. Such popularity seems to be a response to global social, political, cultural, and economic upheavals. Against the background of this globalised dynamic of change, different practices of solidarity have emerged in the recent past, in the contexts of which people develop collective forms of being, feeling, and acting cooperatively.
This online conference presents various research paradigms, conceptualisations of, and different ways of reflecting, justifying and employing solidarity.
Originally, it should have been held at the Munich School of Philosophy from October 7-9 but its format had to be changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The conference is a cooperation between the interdisciplinary research project “Transnational Practices of Solidarity”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and the Rottendorf-Project, funded by the Rottendorf Foundation.
Prof. Dr. Michael Reder (Munich)
What is Solidarity?
Keynote: Solidarity in the Anthropocene: Gifts, Conviviality, Symbiosis
Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff (Hamburg)
Commentary: Prof. Dr. Stephan Lessenich (Munich)
What is Emancipatory
Alexander Struwe, M.A. (Duisburg/Essen)
Commentary: Mirko Broll, M.A. (Munich)
Sources of Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Tuĝba Sevinç (Istanbul)
Commentary: Karolin-Sophie Stüber, M.A. (Munich)
Conceptualizing Solidarity
Prof. Dr. Marianne Kneuer / Prof. Dr. Michael Corsten (Hildesheim)
Commentary: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Süß (Augsburg)
How to Work Together in Solidarity?
Keynote: Rethinking Solidarity through the Lens of Critical Social Ontology
Prof. Dr. Carol Gould (New York)
Commentary: Alexander Heindl, M.A. (Munich)
Keynote: “Leadership and Solidarity”: Equity in a Global Crisis
Prof. Dr. Sally Scholz (Villanova)
Commentary: Prof. Dr. Michael Reder (Munich)
Swiss Solidarities
in the 1980s?
Prof. Dr. Irène Herrmann / Dr. Renata Latala (Geneva)
Commentary: Dr. Jan Neubauer (Augsburg)
Solidarity Among Equals?
On the Hierarchies of Solidarity Practices
Dr. Sophia Dafinger (Augsburg)
New Forms of Solidarity?
Keynote: Consumers of the World, Unite! Solidarity and Consumption since the late 18th Century
Dr. Benjamin Möckel (Cologne)
Commentary: Kornelia Rung (Augsburg)
Keynote: Can We have
with Animals?
Dr. Alasdair Cochrane (Sheffield)
Commentary: Dr. Mara-Daria Cojocaru (Munich)
“Solidarity Citizenship” and Pro-Migrant Practices of Transversal
and Inclusive Solidarity
Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken / Dr. Helge Schwiertz (Osnabrück)
Commentary: Eva Fleischmann, M.A. (Munich)